Engineers Can Tell Stories Too…That You Can Understand

POSTED August 27, 2018

Abstract art or roadways? As design projects become progressively more complex so does conveying needed information to the public. At Avenue, we understand how important public input and trust are in the engineering world. That’s why we have transformed complex project features into visual messages for everyone to understand. Avenue is changing the way these messages are presented through a cutting-edge, GIS-based interface packed with visual information that is easy to navigate.

It all started in 2017, when we were tasked to model several innovative intersections (incl. CFIs, thrU turns, and grade-separated intersections) for US-6 in Spanish Fork, Utah. We knew we had to come up with something unique to visually represent 6 intersections. Especially when it needed to detail a phased implementation approach that accounted for both infrastructure complexities and financial costs. We focused on all of the relevant roadway characteristics, such as striping, barriers/walls, paths/trails, curb and gutter, and much more.

Upon completion of our first visual representation of US-6, we saw an opportunity to change the way roadway design is communicated and used by our stakeholders, some of which included UDOT, various local agencies, the public, and an MPO. This led us to create a GIS web-based Story Map with a unique, user-friendly interface. The zooming feature lets viewers see clear images of the surrounding area with the enhanced roadway design characteristics. With our story map you will be able to communicate complex information to any audience.

We would love to help you create a story map for any project; so drop us a line at, and we can start brainstorming today. Also check out our app currently online at Story Map Application.